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Past Events
MAY 31
Symposium on Responsible Investing
Description: The symposium will bring together leading scholars and industry leaders to shed light on the latest research and practices concerning responsible investing. It will also provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss and exchange ideas. It will feature two keynote speeches, a selection of recent and relevant working papers presented by leading accounting and finance academics and an industry panel.
JUN 15
The Future of Fintech: Applications, Regulations, and Navigating Ahead
Speakers: Manju Puri, J. B. Fuqua Professor at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and an editor of the Review of Financial Studies; Mark Weber, strategy and operations lead at the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab
Cybersecurity Investment Externality
Speaker: Konstantin Sokolov, Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Memphis, Fogelman College of Business.
MAR 21
An Anatomy of Crypto-Enabled Cybercrime
Speaker: Daniel Rabetti, economist from Sao Paulo, Brazil, pursuing a Ph.D. in Business at Tel Aviv University and visiting CornellDaniel Rabetti University
Machine Learning in Business: Modern Approaches and Applications
Machine learning has emerged as a powerful technology in today’s business world. Participate in the machine learning in business workshop to learn about news text mining, modern practices in deep learning, and deep reinforcement learning and business applications. This workshop consists of a distinguished lecture and two tutorial sessions. View Photos from This Event ›
Speakers: Dacheng Xiu, Chicago Booth School of Business; Jonathan Li, Telfer School of Management and Rafid Mahmood, NVIDIA
OCT 26
Credit-Focused Media Sentiment for Corporate Default Prediction
Speaker: Jin-Chuan Duan, PhD, the Jardine Cycle & Carriage Professor of Finance and the Executive Director of the Asian Institute of Digital Finance at the National University of Singapore (NUS)
Joining Forces: The Spillover Effects of EPA Enforcement Actions and the Role of Socially Responsible Investors
Speaker: Sudipto Dasgupta, PhD, Professor at the Department of Finance at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Managing Editor of the International Review of Finance since 2008 and is a Senior Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economics Research (ABFER)
SEP 22
Mergers Under the Microscope: Analysing Conference Call Transcripts
Speaker: Fangyuan Ma, PhD, assistant professor in finance at the HSBC Business School of Peking University
MAY 26
Climate Regulatory Risks and Corporate Bonds
Speaker: Laura Starks, PhD, the Charles E and Sarah M Seay Regents Chair in Finance and co-Executive Director of the Social Innovation Initiative at the McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin
Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World
Speaker: Pedro Matos, PhD, academic director of the Richard A. Mayo Center for Asset Management, holds the John G. Macfarlane Family Chair in Business Administration and is a professor of business administration (Finance) at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business
MAY 10
Quantitative Risk Management & Financial Analytics Workshop
Speakers: THOMAS F. COLEMAN, Ophelia Lazaridis University Research Chair/Professor, Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo/Director, Waterloo Research Institute in Insurance, Securities and Quantitative Finance (WatRISQ)/Fellow, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM); MATT DAVISON, Professor, Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Western University/ Director – School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences/Fields Institute Fellow; HENRY LAM Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research/ Columbia University; LUIS SECO Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto/Director, Mathematical Finance Program/ Director of RiskLab Toronto/President and CEO Sigma Analysis and Management